FSU News Earth Day fair to raise "green" issues Garnet and gold equal green on FSU's campus, thanks to efforts of the Service Learning Program, Center for Civic Education and Service, and other campus groups. To mark International Earth Day, the groups are sponsoring an Earth Day Fair Wednesday, March 23, 10 AM - 2 PM, at the Oglesby Union Green. The Sierra Club and other environmental groups will be on hand to promote their services and agendas to the community. FSU academic departments such as Oceanography and Geology will create displays to raise awareness about their research and degree programs. The event will feature food, music, and free Starbucks coffee. Susan Anderson, a local farmer, will give a talk on sustainable communities. "This fair is just one of several projects our program has launched to foster a sense of environmental responsibility at FSU," said Joe Anson, a program coordinator at the Service Learning Program. "We are also recruiting volunteers to expand recycling at Seminole athletic events, and we hope to implement electronics recycling on a campus-wide basis." Marsha Turner, director of the Service Learning Program at the Center for Civic Education and Service, has made "green" issues a high priority for Florida State University in conjunction with staff, faculty and students associated with the FSU Collection and Recycling Program Committee. This committee is made up of representatives from the FSU Waste Management and Recycling Center, Facilities, Residence Life, Athletics, Aramark, Greek Life, Student Government, Thagard Student Health Center, Urban and Regional Planning Department, FSU Bookstore, student organizations such as ESP, and city and county recycling centers. To participate in any way in the environmental and recycling projects associated with the FSU Collection and Recycling Program, contact recycling@admin.fsu.edu. |