Florida State University Seal

Environmental Health and Safety

  • Research Support and Environmental Compliance

    From laboratory audits, hazardous waste management, personnel dosimetry, and biosafety level certifications, EH&S helps ensure the safety in your research environment.

  • Risk and Insurance Services

    By managing designated insurance coverages and overseeing workplace safety programs, EH&S keeps FSU focused on safety.

  • Building and Construction Safety

    Ensuring the buildings on FSU are constructed to applicable codes and are up to date with fire protection equipment, EH&S makes sure FSU's property is prepared.

Our Mission:

The Florida State University’s Department of Environmental Health and Safety, under the Division of Finance and Administration, promotes a safe and healthy environment for all members of the community.

We will accomplish our mission by:

  • Supporting involvement of all faculty, staff and students in the success of our health and safety program
  • Promoting health and safety as a part of every classroom, laboratory and work site in order to enhance knowledge of safe and healthy practices.
  • Providing the means by which each University community member can take charge of his/her own personal health.
  • Providing accessibility and advice on health and safety regulations, procedures and standards and helping ensure continued compliance.
  • Setting a good example by practicing and promoting safe behaviors.